My (not so) Regular Update!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hey you all (or, for Marissa and Jordan, “y’all”):

I realized that I should provide a quick update, given that not only have I fallen back into the rut of not writing anything on here, but also because Paige Fillingame started pestering me, and I figured I better do something before she decides to sue.

Okay, so, how have things been going?

Firstly, Toni is most certainly over her first trimester “blah” feelings. She’s just about 20 weeks now, and feeling great. The only reoccurring symptoms she seems to have are peeing, constantly having to pee, and peeing a lot. Did I mention she always has to pee?

Since my last posting, we’ve had 3 additional doctors’ appointments. All of them have been great. We’ve now heard Baby’s heartbeat twice, and both times were absolutely surreal. I can’t help but get totally giddy each time I hear that rhythmic “whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.”

…Aaaand there goes Toni to the bathroom. Pee time!

That crazy lady. She’s becoming more and more excited about having a child with every passing day. I think this is due to a combination of her growing belly and the increasing activity of Baby. About a week and a half ago, she started feeling a distinct fluttering, which has continued to intensify. By now, Baby must be doing little calisthenics in there or something, because she claims to feel it all the time. Unfortunately, I can’t yet feel the baby on the outside, but I guess I can take that trade off, being that I’m not the one peeing all the time.

Speaking of which, back to the bathroom! What’s that honey? Oh no no, I’d never write that into the blog. Love you too.

Ahhhh well. We have our second ultrasound on the 28th, during which we should (fingers crossed) find out the sex of Baby. And I. Cannot. Wait.

Right now, it feels like we’re standing at “V” in the road, with two possible outcomes: boy, or girl. We daydream about baby and use lots of leading “If” statements. “If it’s a boy, I can’t wait for…,” or, “If it’s a girl, isn’t it going to be amazing when…”. Come the 28th, hopefully we’ll know which side of that road we’ll take, and then our daydreaming can graduate from the “If” phase to the “When” phase, which will, frankly, be amazing. I feel like I already love Baby so much, even though I’m mentally splitting that feeling between the image of a son or daughter. I can’t wait until I know what we’re having for sure, and I can focus that feeling onto that one "him" or "her" who I haven’t yet met, but have already fallen for.

Sorry, I’ll be right back, I’ve gotta get more toilet paper for Toni. She’s peeing again.

Well, where were we? Ah yes. Yesterday was perhaps the most exhilarating portion of the whole pregnancy so far: registering at Babies R’ Us. I learned three primary things at Babies R’ Us:
  1. Babies are stupidly expensive, and, as a corollary, have way too many "required" accessories. A $10 pacifier case? Better get a job, little baby Ramme.
  2. We love you all a lot. Like a lot-a lot. Like the $200-car-seat-on-our-registry a lot.
  3. There are a ton of cute baby clothes and toys, and if I’m as bad at saying “no” to my children as I am at saying it to my dog, I’m in a lot of trouble.
So that’s about it. No pictures this time. I’ll update with Toni’s profile belly shot when I have the time, and I’ll be sure to add more after the ultrasound in two weeks, when things really kick into gear. I’d keep typing, but I hear Toni yelling something from the bathroom.

Lots of love!


Marissa Says:
June 17, 2010 at 4:32 AM

y'all are too cute :)

Miss you terribly and reading that brought tears to my eyes because I hate that I'm missing out on all this. Now I know how y'all felt...

Love you both to pieces!!!

Paige Thorleifson Says:
June 17, 2010 at 6:16 AM

Finally! We too are missing being a part of this wonderful, exciting time in your lives. Keep the updates coming - we love you guys! :)